680 White Can Muff Clone
680 White Can Big Muff clone from Chicago Stompworks - a modern recreation of the original circuit, hand built with true bypass switching and the highest quality components.
From Kit Rae's excellent "Big Muff History" page: V2 "WHITE CAN" RAMS HEAD BIG MUFF PI - I believe this was the sixth in the sequence of circuit variants for the V2. It is also the second most common version of the V2 circuit made by Electro-Harmonix, after the '73 violet. Around 1974 EHX started using these large, barrel shaped, white axial poly film caps, which is the easiest way to identify this version. The 220pF filter cap in the first stage at C10 was unique to this version, as was the small .0068µF filter cap in the tone section. Those were nearly always .01µF. The input cap at C1 increased to 10µF and remained this value on many later V2 variants, allowing more bass into the circuit. For this version, C13 and the C2 output cap were also changed to 10µF for more bass going out of the circuit. The filter caps at C12 and C11 are 680pF, a value only found on this version, and the largest value EHX ever used. The 220pF cap in the first stage was used to sort of balance out the 680pF caps in the clipping stages, in an effort to keep the sound from being too different from the previous versions. The same circuit was also used in the Guild Foxey Lady version.